With a big focus on using social media for marketing, email marketing sometimes gets overlooked, yet this shouldn’t be the case. Which is why Net 360 Solutions would like to help our reading audience understand ‘the underutilized impact of email marketing’, and why it is still important to utilize it!
Top of Mind – Still Holds a Top Marketing Position
No matter how you choose to market your business, be that traditional marketing, digital marketing or even grass roots marketing, being top of mind with your customers and potential customers, is an imperative part in retaining and gaining those customers. Which is why the “drip” effect is important, which email marketing plays an important part in.
Even if someone simply glances at your subject line; seeing your business name come up regularly is part of that ‘top of mind’ presence that massive companies like Coke and Nike still continue to this day, despite their clear success. So don’t lose out on this powerful method of reminding your customers of your presence, making you the more likely company to choose.
People Want to Be Fed Their Buying Needs
We don’t mean this in a negative sense. Rather, we mean – people want to know how your product or service can benefit their lifestyle, as well as ways they can save by utilizing your company when you have a deal they can take part in.
Everyone’s buying needs differ from day to day and season to season, so by having regular ‘passive’ contact with your customers via email marketing, you will better ensure your business will be the go-to choice when a customer’s buying time comes up.
Email marketing is often underutilized, but it’s worth another look. It’s affordable and proven to be effective, so give us a call today at 604-510-0011, and let us know if we can get you started, and/or offer your additional solutions to help your business grow!
Email Marketing Services | Surrey | Abbotsford | Langley | Vancouver | BC