We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

You’ve Got (E)Mail


Email marketing for business owners – big or small – is an effecting digital marketing tool for a multitude of reasons. Although we have written on the importance of this topic in the past, we feel it is a vital part of your company’s well-rounded approach to your digital marketing agenda, and an important part to your marketing agenda as a whole.

Email Marketing Starter Kit

Firstly, you need a platform in which to gather email addresses – which usually is created as a part of your website, offering your viewers an email signup option. Secondly, you will need an email campaign agenda – meaning; you need to know how often you will want to send out emails, and the type of content you might want to create to represent your business. Lastly, you need content within your emails that is engaging, offers a benefit to your readers, and creates a call to action.

How To Maximize Your Email Marketing

Randomly sending out emails to your list of recipients does not make for an optimal email marketing campaign. Rather, you need a monthly, bi-monthly or weekly agenda – as mentioned – when you send out your emails, creating consistency, continuity and expectation.

Also, email marketing is a relationship-building tool, so even though it will be going out to the masses …make it “massively personal”. How? By creating a “what’s in it for me” end result. A coupon, a promotion, content that your readers want to read, etc.

Your email marketing campaigns should drive your online community into a buying position, and provide a platform from which to gather buying behaviour data, ask for feedback, and uncover who and how many people are responding to your emails based on your subject line, as well as the content being clicked on within your email.

Optimized Email Marketing Campaigns Include:

–       Engaging your audience

–       Increasing your brand awareness

–       Building on your customer relations

–       Creating a need for your product or service

–       Fulfilling that need with a call to action

At Net360 Solutions, we can implement worthwhile email campaigns for your business, and track the success rate therein. Allow us to help you build your business with this advantageous digital marketing service, and provide your readers with worthwhile call to action content, bringing further clients to your online doorstep.

Give us a call today, and let us know what kind of solutions we can provide for you!