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Uncover the Influence of Influencers for Your Business

Looking to ‘Uncover the Influence of Influencers for Your Business? Find out who they are, what they do, and how you can tap into their influence within the local Vancouver marketplace!

The concept of an “Influencer”, seems like a far-flung ‘reality-show-meets-modern-day-rockstar’ job description. And although some might argue that it’s a passion vocation and not a job per se, this career path can pay off nicely – both for the individual influencers themselves, as well as the businesses they throw out a mention for.

So how do you become a part of and gain this seemingly exclusive online exposure? Net 360 Solutions has uncovered the do’s and don’ts for local businesses to take advantage of this digital marketing sensation, and can help you implement it into your marketing plan, or guide you through it as per below.

Unsure If You Offer a ‘Trend’ Influencers Want to Expose? Well, You Do!

As a local business, perhaps you feel you don’t have the brand power worthy of exposure, or think that you are a trend setter capable of attracting an influencer. But the truth is, is that anyone can start a trend and every brand matters – it’s all about how you position yourself, while merging a positive public opinion regarding your “must have product or service” that will better a customers lifestyle.

Clear as mud?

Take topsoil for instance. At first glance –it’s just dirt. But position it as the life-source of this planet, with only 10% of dirt being useable soil for crops, all of which is quickly declining with mass farming, and you have yourself newsworthy content.

From there, it’s all about the image that can be generated by an influencer surrounding dirt – and with a creative mind tackling such things, the sky (or the ground) is the limit!

Be Aware of the Questionable Trend of Virtual Influencers

Although virtual influencers are taking off as the newest trend, it goes without saying that these generated “beings” have no real opinion about products or services, because – well, they are not real!

Virtual influencers are created largely by PR firms who are sharing opinions via their creators, as well as hired by businesses who want to micro-manage the buzz created about them on their behalf. So despite the viral capabilities (and a high cost, we might add) – these virtual influencers lack the authenticity and relatable content that local businesses would deem useful to their buying audience.

Micro-Influencers: Real, Affordable and Affective for Local Businesses

Locally owned businesses – such as breweries, pop-up shops, consignment stores, franchisees, and any other business types that are maintained locally, are all viable candidates for valuable micro-influencers.

Why? Because, as a local business you are aware of what motivates your customer’s buying decisions, and local micro-influencers are conscious of and aligned with that thought process also. They represent products, services and events that appeal to their niche market of followers, and create exposure for you accordingly.

How Do Local Businesses in Vancouver Tap Into Micro-Influencers?

Finding Influencers for your company can be done through an online source known as Shop and Shout,where they offer “Personalities that speak to their communities and constantly engage their followers — followers who connect and identify with them, and value their opinions”.

This site is a locally run resource that connects brands with local micro-influencers, providing engaged followers ranging from an audience of 1500 and upwards, and offers a platform that specializes in specific genres such as lifestyle, fashion, food and so on.

As the term implies, a “micro influencer” has far less followers than a celebrity or mass-following global influencer – but that’s exactly the point. These influencers are local, so they understand your local audience and promote your brand accordingly, interacting with an engaged audience who are more likely to actually utilizing your products or service.

In the case of micro-influencers, it is quality over quantity, taking into account how many people are engaged and interacting with their content, over how many people are merely scrolling past a shout out.

In addition, the payment structure is much different. Regular influencers often charge large sums of money for a sponsored post, and might not even try or truly likely your brand – all of which is usually out of reach and not useful for small businesses. Whereas micro-influencers are truly trying the products and/or services representing your brand in order to offer a true opinion that their followers trust.

With small businesses looking for ways to stand out amidst their competition, Vancouver-based micro-influencers are a great way to help your business become a part of current trends, influencing buyers in a targeted but positive way that can take your brand from emerging to evolved very quickly.

Curious to know more? Net 360 Solutions would be more than happy to add it to your marketing mix – simply click here to get started!