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Treat Your Website Like Your #1 Employee

Business owners, especially small/independent/local business owners, tirelessly seek out the right employees to represent their business. But have you ever considered your website as an employee? We’re here to tell you why you should, in fact, Treat Your Website Like Your #1 Employee!

Your Website Speaks for Your Business

As a receptionist is to any corporate office, so too is your website the face of your company. Which means, from the very moment any potential customer lands on your site, they should be made to feel welcome, have their questions answered and be offered a cup of coffee – so to speak. This is often a potential customers first impression of your business, so make it count!

Your Website Pays for Itself

Although there is clearly a cost to setting up and running your website, there is also great savings in employing a website. There are no pensions, benefits or overtime paid to this “employee” of choice, which literally works for you 24/7/365 …and NEVER complains! So investing wisely in this self-sufficient worker bee is well worth it, and can mean the difference between greater success, or meager growth to your business.

Your Website Should Be Welcoming

People think of the online world as a static entity, but when it comes to representing your business – nothing could be further from the truth.

Your website can and should be a dynamic frontrunner for your company, a place where people are greeted properly, taken care of accordingly, and responded to immediately – just as you would in person.

Your website should represent your brand in tone, look, effort and overall appeal, and is not something to take lightly. Which leads us to…

Don’t Employ an Annoying Online Employee

We all know the sales people we want to run from. Websites can be just like that annoying sales person – whether being too flashy, too pushy, or too fluffy.

Offer real incentives, worthwhile advice and total authenticity. Modern consumers are savvy and don’t want to be “sold” …they want to be advised.

Send Them of With a Sincere ‘Thank You’

Let your online customers go, but help them remember you via an incentive to do so. Whether that’s an immediate offer, a request for an email address to give them a chance to buy at a later date without losing said offer, or other ideas we’d love to help suggest to you via our team of local digital marketing service providers.

Online customers are REAL people, and real people want to know you have their best interest at heart, making their world a better place through your products or services, and allowing them to come to you at their chosen buying time …and we’re here to help you in that process and look forward to doing so!