We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

The Rate of Conversion

Online conversions are an important part of our business. If all you have is just a bunch of online window shoppers, we haven’t done our job effectively. Rather, we want to not only gain you exposure and enhance your branding efforts, we also want to take your online audience to the next level of actual buyers and end-product users.

At Net360, our aim is to ensure we are helping your business generate leads, create sales, and prompt promotional activity. Whether you are selling a product, or providing a service …whomever is visiting your site should have enough information to make an informed buying decision.

Understanding Conversion Rate Optimization

Visitors will “happen” upon your site through a variety of ways. From a Google search, a direct link via your social media sites, or a variety of all of the above. But knowing where your visitors are coming from, how they are getting there, in what manner they navigate through your site …all of these things help us gain insight into the intent of your online audience. If we can understand what they are searching for, we can help them get there more quickly in order to convert them into buyers.

We do this by…

  • Designing a path that is clearly mapped
  • Understanding why viewers are “clicking off” your site
  • Measuring the effectiveness of each page and exterior pages
  • Reporting back to our clients how conversion are taking place

A subpar site will have subpar results. And that just doesn’t bode well with our “too proud to lose” mentality. We’re in this business to win you business, help you grow and increase your exposure. It is our shared success module, and we enjoy seeing it executed effectively.

We also enjoy taking the art of persuasion to a whole new level, and being in a results driven industry that can show you a printout of your actual results.

At Net360, we strap on our tool belt daily and go to work creating online environments that are not only attractive and interactive, but also provide the conversion you need to take your business from static to sticky!