We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

Show, Don’t Tell

Online digital marketing

Marketing “ploys” are riddled with catch phrases and reasons why you MUST HAVE such and such an item, or why such and such a service is MUCH BETTER than their competitors’.

However, in today’s marketplace of savvy consumers, they no longer buy into fluff such as this. They don’t want to be told why your product or service is amazing …they want to be shown.

Whether that’s through product or service reviews by consumers, or videos displaying what it is you offer, or stories of how your product or service was used in a way that mattered to the community etc …these are the relationship and trust building avenues of modern marketing.

Frankly stated, using an infomercial style approach will have your reading audience cringing with distain. This is what is known as “fiction” to online readers.

Take Action

Using action words like “wow!” “best ever!” “superior!”, should be replaced with actual actions. Showing your audience where and how you back up your words.

Don’t Fear Conflict

Often times, a seller does not want to point out to the potential buyer the variables (potential pitfalls) of their product or service. However, being open and honest about what it is you’re offering, and the various ways it can be used or misused – answers questions the buyer will likely have anyway. So you are offering an additional service by providing them with answers before they even have to pose a question.

Broaching an issue before it becomes an issue, should not be feared as pointing out a negative. Rather, it is very much worth divulging the pros and cons, as it instills trust in your buyers.

Be accurate and concise, without losing the reader to a list of words. This is where story telling comes into play.

Love Sells

Okay …we’re not talking about romance novels like 50 Shades of Grey …rather the love of what you do. Expressing the passion behind your service or product, and why you entered into the field, will give your online words further meaning.

More than ever, the buying public want to invest in a product or service that is backed by meaning, and at Net360 Solutions …we put meaning back into your online business content.

Call us today, and let us know how we can help!