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SEO …Got Game?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO as it’s most often referred to as, is an ever-changing entity. Regardless of the changes, and the efforts of every SEO company to stay ahead of the curve (or curse) of such changes, SEO is an imperative part of your online presence.

Here are the simple, most tangibly impacting reasons why…

Hide and Seek

Your website should not be a game of hide and seek for your customers. It should be easy to find, and easy to navigate. For most savvy consumers, your website is going to be their first point of contact, so being found, and having a way to quickly get an idea of who you are, where you are, and what your business is about …is truly the most basic main objective. Properly executed SEO, allows your site to be found within the top pages of Google, in addition to other avenues such as Google+, Google+Local, Facebook and perhaps even Pinterest. The more visitors you have coming to your site, the more likely these visitors will be converted into customers!

Tag. You’re It

The SEO “game” has a lot to do with which business can get to the starting point first, and maintain that spot ongoing. You don’t want your competition tagging you out of the Google search game, and with the ever-growing list of sites coming on board daily, you need to get your SEO up and operating before more sites join the game. SEO takes time, its not an overnight process. It can sometimes take weeks, to several months (or sometimes longer for very competitive markets) to rank on Google for decent high-traffic keywords. But with all of that SEO work in place, the likelihood of maintaining this spot increases because you’ve built a strong ‘foundation’ of important SEO elements around your website during that time, making it harder for a competitor just starting out to catch up.

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Back in the day when physical yellow pages were plopped at your door, consumers would flip through reams of pages to find their desired company, and a lot of stock was put onto ad placement. Now that the online community has taken precedence over this, you do not have the option of a large ad to grab your customers’ attention. What you do have, however, is optimized content that will keep you on the top pages of Google searches. As well, you have the potential for a blog – that will keep your customers informed, and offer your company a voice about your product and/or service. PLUS why not add a social media page that will give a static online company – a personality to play with. Making the “pick” easy for your customers. In essence, you have the ability to create a sales funnel, via your own mini-portal – think of it as creating a virtual salesperson, one that says exactly what you want your prospects to know about your business…A Powerful Tool? ABSOLUTELY!

Traditional Gaming Gone

Traditional media is no longer where your A-game seems to matter most, as it pertains to reaching consumers. Rather “new media”, or online advertising – including the aforementioned website, blog, and social media – is the wave that is going to ride in marketing popularity indefinitely. This forum, conducted with the correct SEO, can bring you potential customers both locally and in far-flung reaches …depending, of course, on your product or service. Regardless, having an effective online presence opens the door for new business like never before.

A lot of businesses are still debating about whether or not they “need” to be online, or to what extent they should allocate their budget to this type of media. We would advise you to truly take into consideration the wide-spread impact that a properly optimized, precisely laid out, and well-maintain website, and digital marketing program can do for you. The returns should far outweigh the investment. It is not just Net360 Solutions who is of this opinion …but rather a message you can read from a multitude of media choices, on –unsurprisingly- the Internet!