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Reviewing Your Online Storefront for the Year Ahead

Online Storefront

Keeping your online presence fresh is paramount for an effective website, which is why, with a New Year ahead, business owners should take stock of their online storefront and ensure it is offering a prevalent presence.

What Is a Prevalent Presence?

Your prevalence, or popularity on any given search engine, is largely based on your relevance. Which is why it is important to continually offer fresh content, update your website annually, ensure you have all the social media platforms in place directing people back to your site, and have an SEO company checking in on your online traffic flow.

In order to help you do this, Net 360 Solutions offers…

Affordable Website Design Including:

  • Custom Designed Website Pages
  • Professional ‘User-Friendly’ Layout
  • Programmed with ‘Google Friendly’ Language
  • Custom Home Page Banner
  • Contact Form & Business Location Map
  • Pre-Completion Website Revisions
  • 3 Custom Email Addresses if Hosted With Us

Or perhaps you don’t require an entire website creation, but simply want a website re-design; we can help with that too, providing you with:

A free analysis of your current website

  • A no-charge consultation
  • Design ideas for your new website

A quotation for your website re-design

In addition, we offer Social Media Maintenance, which plays a massive role in your presence based on these facts alone:

  • Currently YouTube & Facebook are the most viewed websites after Google
  • There are over 1.8 Billion users on Facebook Worldwide
  • Canadians spend more than 36 hours/month online – more than any other Nation

The majority or mobile Internet users in Canada visit Social Media websites

Maintaining your online storefront is more affordable than you might think. Whether you are a small startup company, or a company that has been in business for many years and recognize the need to embrace current marketing methods – Net 360 Solutions is your local provider of website services, and we are here to help ensure your company has a successful 2018!

Feel free to call us at (604) 510-0011 or visit us at 19985 68th Ave #2, in Langley. We look forward to enjoying a prosperous New Year with you!