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Pinterest for President

Social Media on Pinterest


Many might think of Pinterest as a mere “hobbyist site”, but it is quickly emerging as a lead search engine for those looking for anything from building plans, to banana bread recipes, to unique gift ideas and seasonal decorating ideas. Pinterest holds a plethora of subject matters, and as such – many are flocking to it for their solutions.

So what does this mean for businesses? Simply put – added exposure and backlink potential for your website.

As you may or may not know, backlinks are an important part of having your website found on Google, so the more valuable backlinks you create, the more influence you have as it pertains to your power positions on Google.

As with Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the likes therein, Pinterest has also included hashtags and keyword searchability for your boards or pins on Pinterest. Yet many business owners are still not utilizing this valuable social medium to promote their services or products, or to simply be a part of a branding and backlinks agenda.

Analytics and Pinterest

Pinterest has worked hard to generate an effective analytics program, which they offer to users in order to see how their pins and boards in general are doing, how their traffic is being generated, impressions etc.

The Pinterest “How To”

An important part of the Pinterest process is to name your boards in accordance with what people are searching for, curating your pin descriptions, using text-accurate image descriptions, and including your website link without acting as the “sole creator” of an image if it’s truly not from your company.

Granted, these steps – as with any social media agenda – is time consuming and thought-heavy …in terms of really having to think as your viewing audience would. But that’s where we come in …offering you our think-tank capabilities.

At Net360 Solutions, we want business owners to benefit from all there is to offer in the digital marketing world, and “heavying up” on worthwhile SEO efforts to stay on top of the Google page ranking system.

Allow us to help you be a part of this ever-changing landscape, and improve your efforts full-spectrum!