Whether you are a corporate giant or a small business there are consistent marketing “musts” to maintain, which include – brand visibility and brand loyalty. Both an imperative part in keeping you seen, heard, recognized and utilized in the marketplace. So where does Twitter come into the marketing mix, and …
Google+ is a great tool to use within your digital marketing mix. It provides an additional outlet for your voice to be heard (or read, as it were) by the online marketplace, and also plays a part in your SEO efforts. Insert Title Here -> As with any social forum, …
Before Canada implemented the new Anti-Spam Law, a lot of companies were pretty much panhandling for email addresses, compiling an email database chalk full of pillaged potentials for their products or services. However, now individuals must actually opt in to receive any businesses newsletter into their inbox, giving full consent …
Video marketing is one of the most beneficial digital marketing tools a business can harness for a variety of reasons. Not only can it aid in your SEO efforts, but it can also impart important messages to your potential clients in a fresh and user-friendly manner. Often times people viewing …
At Net360 Solutions, we want to consistently ensure that the sites were construct are in step with Google Ranking Trends. Within the past few year, Google has made close to 100 updates to their algorithm processes. What does that mean to you – the business owner? That currently, in order …
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is constantly shifting with the ever-changing landscape of the online world; a world we help our clients enter into and stay current within daily. With all the digital marketing ploys intended to rope in business owners who aren’t necessarily computer-savvy, we thought we would try and …
In today’s advertising climate, one cannot speak of marketing without including digital marketing into the mix. Traditional marketing has definitely taken a backseat to the trackable nature of digital marketing, and this online giant continues to grow week after week. What Is the “Coles Notes” of Digital Marketing? – An …
It’s not only about what you write that gets people to your website, it is also about how you write it. Google is looking for well-written content in order to award you an optimal position on their search engine, and in an industry that is growing daily, keeping up with …
Email marketing for business owners – big or small – is an effecting digital marketing tool for a multitude of reasons. Although we have written on the importance of this topic in the past, we feel it is a vital part of your company’s well-rounded approach to your digital …
There seems to be a never-ending stream of trending topics on various social media forums at all times. So we thought we would discuss what makes a topic “trending” and how a business owner can benefit from joining the popularity pool. What is a Trending Topic First of all, …
Having an online presence means that your business can be found within the global marketplace – any time of day or night. Which also means, if you have a product to sell, your audience just grew exponentially. That it is why it is imperative for you to be offering …
As a business owner, if you are waffling about which social media platform to utilize, we want to take this blog opportunity to emphasize the importance of Facebook for extended marketing and branding purposes of your business. Facebook Research …why it works The latest research on Facebook speaks (or …
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