Much of digital marketing jargon sounds Greek to most people, and the term “Facebook Algorithms” likely sounds like full-blown babble. But when it comes to marketing your business, it is important to know how things are working for your business and why. Which is why Net 360 Solutions wants to …
Across business types, the first 2-3 months of the New Year are consistently difficult times to muster up business. This is largely due to the fact that consumers have spent their readily available disposable income over Christmas. However, pulling back on your marketing budget is truly the worst thing a …
LinkedIn is one of those “far flung” social media outlets not a lot of small businesses tap into. As with any social media setup and maintenance, it can be daunting to get started, and time-consuming to keep on top of. Which is why Net 360 Solutions would like to help …
Keeping your online presence fresh is paramount for an effective website, which is why, with a New Year ahead, business owners should take stock of their online storefront and ensure it is offering a prevalent presence. What Is a Prevalent Presence? Your prevalence, or popularity on any given search engine, …
Technology is not a far-flung “wave of the future”. Rather, it is a current reality for those running a business and looking to improve upon that business for 2018. Which is why Net 360 Solutions would like to expand on the topic of website improvements, and how they can increase …
Social media is still in its infancy as it pertains to the World Wide Web as a whole, so knowing what it is going to look like as it matures, and what that means to business owners utilizing its massive reach is important. Which is why Net 360 Solutions is …
When it comes to your online presence, image truly is everything. Whether you have a poorly constructed site with little to no images, or a newer site with massive image files that are unknowingly taking up a vast amount of time loading on a potential customer’s device, both are an …
Christmas shopping no longer entails browsing store shelves for hours while tackling throngs of people to do so. Modern consumers now turn to their handheld devices to make their buying decisions, and within that – their social media pages. The Buying Influencer of Social Media Today over 64% of buying …
A lot of times small business shy away from video marketing thinking that it will be too costly or too time-consuming – but neither needs to be the case. In fact, we wanted to share with our reading audience these creative tips on how to create ‘Video Marketing for Small …
Email Marketing can be used to effectively keep in touch with prospects, helping to generate sales, and offer an excellent way to maintain that ‘top of mind’ position with your customers. This is why the answer to ‘When Is the Best Time to Use Email Marketing?’ is – ALWAYS! Email …
With school back in session and businesses gearing up for a busy season ahead, knowing how to optimize your online presence in the best way possible plays an important role in your ROI. Part of an optimized website – especially as far as Google is concerned, is staying on top …
Digital & Social Media Marketing remains ones of the most effective ways to reach your buying audience in a measurable way. It allows you to track so many valuable stats such as where your traffic is coming from, how long they are staying on any given page, and basically uncover …
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