We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

Marketing Efforts – Aligned!

Okay, so now you have done a lot of the “metaphorical” heavy lifting and foot work, now it’s time to get down to the nuts and bolts of strategy, including creating your online content and analytics.

Perhaps those words aren’t familiar to you, and that’s fine – this is where we come in to begin piecing together the plethora of information you have given us, and start to build your content.

From here we can create:

> your foundation, utilizing a service-centric approach

> design a platform and target your key audience

> outline your expectations and report back to you on that with our analytics information

> leave room for the “potential” aspects, and also design your reports in a way that displays the “good faith” you are generating with your new, and ideally growing online audience base

Goals, Budgets & Benchmarks

If we understand your goals, know of your budget, we can then begin working towards your benchmark.


> by calculating your averages of growth

> by taking into account your previous methods, and seeing how many qualified leads your online marketing is attracting, downloads, visitors, social media interactions etc.

 Reassess and Reassemble

 Monthly data is only as good as the ability to decipher it, and adding to static numbers, the story that these numbers are telling.

Once we have a well-rounded idea of where the most online traffic is coming from, what clients and potential clients alike are responding to, we can fine-tune content, and continue to target the areas that are working, and reassemble the ones that may be lagging

One mistake that seems to be generally shared across the board with online content, is that businesses tend to talk only about their products and services. We touched on this in our previous blog post, but in our next post, we will discuss how we can take the spotlight off of you, and allow the costumer to shine …and based on that, become a loyal customer!