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Increase Business with Google Marketing? It’s a Thing – Google It!

Google Marketing

Google for Business is booming, and at Net 360 Solutions – we want you to be a part of it!

Like other social mediums, Google for Business not only helps to build and promote your brand through images, offers, posts, links to your websites etc, but it also helps to increase your ‘searchability’, enhancing your chances of being found on the empire of search engines known, of course, as Google.

What Are the Advantages of Google Marketing?

  • Google Marketing is one of the MOST targeted ways in which to market your business
  • Google Marketing is more effective and less costly than most traditional marketing methods
  • Google Marketing helps to increase sales by letting prospective customers find you easier and more frequently on Google
  • Google Marketing helps you gain more business than your competitors who are not found on Google

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits

Google is a search engine; or better put – THE search engine. When optimizing a site through various organics means (links from other sites such as your social media sites, blogs containing keywords and phrases etc), it helps your customers find you on Google. And the more your site is optimized, the more likely you are to be found.

Our SEO Services Include:

  • SEO review & analysis
  • Keyword(s) research & targeting strategy
  • Optimization of your website content & coding
  • Website statistics & analytics
  • Detailed Monthly Reporting

Our SEO packages start at only $495 per month. Receive a Free Online Quote – click herehttps://net360solutions.com/contact-seo/

Google Maps is also a big part of Google Marketing, and Our Google Maps Services Include:

  • Create a ‘Google My Business’ account
  • Verify & activate account
  • Add key business details & images
  • Link to business manager account
Why choose us?…

Simply because we are here to help you bridge the gap between traditional business marketing, and marketing your business online.

Search engines such as Google, Bing & Yahoo have become the new ‘telephone directories’ for today’s shoppers. Businesses are realizing they must quickly adapt to these consumer changes because consumers have dramatically changed the way they shop for products and services, or risk losing customers to competitors that do.

Curious to know more? We’re a “user friendly” team of locals who can offer you a no charge consultation …allow us to help by clicking here!