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How To Utilize Google+ For Business

Google my Business

Google+ is a great tool to use within your digital marketing mix. It provides an additional outlet for your voice to be heard (or read, as it were) by the online marketplace, and also plays a part in your SEO efforts.

Insert Title Here ->

As with any social forum, it is important to have an eye-catching title, clickable content, a call to action, and a reason why the reader might want to offer a comment or other feedback. You have a mili-second to make an impression, so make every “mili” count!

You’re Only the Boss at Work

When creating personal insight for your Google+ page, it is also important to do so in a way that isn’t “bossy”. Meaning, don’t try and make up your readers mind for them in a pushy manner. Rather, allow them enough information and intrigue that the decision is an easy one to make (whether that’s to click on a link, pass on your information, or offer their thoughts), but allows them to feel as though they were the ones who made that decision, and it wasn’t coerced in some sales “schemey” sort of way

Heavy-Up On Hashtags

The more the merrier for Google+. Although 3-5 will suffice nicely and not overwhelm your audience’s eyes. By using a number of hashtags, it will improve your Google+ search, as well as your Google search’ability overall.

Focus. That’s it. Just, Focus.

Social media is often misused, offering content that is so far off topic that people wonder why you have posted it. Don’t create a cause for concern, instead – stay on topic and don’t give your followers a reason to un-follow you.

Have Style

Your brand says something about your company, so ensure what you are saying on your Google+ page also carries the same tone, and attracts your desired audience. Include entertainment and comedy, sure, but be sure that it’s tasteful and on target.

Be Nice and Share

Don’t make your Google+ page you-centric. Share topics from other company’s websites or blogs. Clearly you don’t want to post about your competition, but offering up information about another local business that could enhance your product or service, can lend itself to respect for your willingness to support your fellow local business owner.

At Net360 Solutions, we appreciate the loyalty and drive local business owners harness, because we are one as well. As such, it brings us great enjoyment to help our other business owners gain online exposure, and reap the business rewards!