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How To Use Twitter for Small Businesses

Twitter Campaigns

Whether you are a corporate giant or a small business there are consistent marketing “musts” to maintain, which include – brand visibility and brand loyalty. Both an imperative part in keeping you seen, heard, recognized and utilized in the marketplace.

So where does Twitter come into the marketing mix, and how can it help a small business owner?

We won’t lie. Twitter is a time-consuming social media mini-giant. Although it differs slightly in the tone and audience of Facebook, it still holds a place of importance – even if that simply means your Facebook posts are being pushed out to your Twitter account.

Keep in mind; you are waging war on a social media system that is meant to be a constant clutter of words and images. Businesses who fully harness Twitter, are tweeting all day every day. So your one tweet a day might get lost in the shuffle, but at least still shows your online audience that you are present and current.

That being said, if you have the time to spend, or alternately – the budget to spend – there are ways to utilize Twitter that can help you with your brand recognition and loyalty as follows…

4 Ways Small Business Owners Can Utilize Twitter

Locate Your Customers

You can locate new customers using Twitter search. From there you can search for certain words, key phrases, or hashtag information all based on your business type. From there you are able to narrow down potential customers who are interested in your products or services, and from there it is a matter of following them in hopes that they return the favour, and/or send them a friendly tweet telling them you can help solve their problem.

Find Influencers

Find complimentary business owners, local legends, or people who have a voice on Twitter who may be able to help extend your voice. Using the same tactics as above, research those who are using the same keywords, and try to partner up with those who are receiving the most re-tweets. Even a small gathering of good influencers can help push your product or service in a way that is well worth your efforts. After all, social media is the modern word of mouth; so don’t underestimate its power of influence.

Stay Regular

As with any and all social media, it is important to stay regular and maintain a presence. Know your hashtags, as they are the window into the social media soul. They help narrow down popular desire statements, and can be searched for accordingly.

Advertise on Twitter

Advertising on Twitter can help you to…

  • Receive clicks on your website, generating conversions
  • Help increase your followers
  • Increase your tweet engagement
  • Help generate leads

At Net360 Solutions, we want to help small business owners continually grow, and as such – we provide cost-effective solutions to important modern advertising necessities!