Most businesses are well on their way to establishing a marketing plan for 2017, and as the go-to Digital Marketing company in Langley serving the Lower Mainland, Net 360 Solutions aims to help you spearhead the digital marketing portion of your agenda and inform your on how to increase your online presence for 2017!
Attract and Retain Business
Online is the #1 way in which customers are looking for a product or service, and without it – businesses will very likely lose out on attracting new business, or even allow business to slip away due to not offering “at-a-click” availability.
Guard Against Loyal Customers Straying
As the saying goes: 80% of your business is based on 20% of your customer-base, so guard against your loyal customers straying by ensuring you are keeping them engaged online.
How To Engage Your Online Audience for 2017
Some of the tried and true digital marketing front-runners are still taking the lead.
Social Media giants – such as Facebook – is still an important medium to utilize in staying at the forefront of your customers buying decisions. Whether you simply maintain a weekly presence, or you choose to market your company via Facebook ads, any presence is a worthwhile presence and an affordable way to keep your company top of mind.
Also, Email Marketing has not fallen off the list either, and it continues to offer an effective way in which to engage your audience.
Concocting a short and concise monthly eNewsletter with helpful tips, as well as sales and promotions, can help you maintain your loyal customers and give them a reason to stop by.
Video Marketing is also a growing trend that consumers are responding, and as such – businesses are realizing the effectiveness of such visual marketing aids.
Lastly, the staple digital marketing must is an up-to-date website that includes a blog to enhance your search engine marketing efforts, and also offers an additional online space where your audience can find helpful information about your products or services.
Overall, these are some great additions to consider for your 2017 Digital Marketing plan, or if you already implement some of them – consider ramping up what you’re currently doing to further grow your online presence.
Net 360 Solutions is a local Langley Digital Marketing Company equipped to affordably get you seen online, keep you current, and make you an effective contender within your industry. So let us know how we can help, and ensure you are offering an engaging presence online!