As the saying goes: “nothing in this world comes free”, and although there is some merit to those words, at Net 360 Solutions – we beg to differ!
In the world of Digital Marketing, there actually ARE some things that come free. Of course there is the initial setup costs of your website and the maintenance of your email marketing and social media presence you may employ, but as it pertains to “viral marketing” and having a constant available presence – this is something that takes on a life of its own and is available 24/7 to your customers.
Make a List, Check it Twice
There’s a reason Santa Clause can get all his packages delivered in one night; he makes a list and checks it twice! But seriously, having a digital marketing plan listed out is imperative to the success of your website and how it will operate when no one is physically operating it for you.
Whether you have hired help who diligently works in the background to keep your social media sites current with provocative posts, promotions and sales, or you have your sales and promotions being pushed out through email marketing initiatives and pop-up windows on your website, or you have videos and blog content that keeps customers engaged and checking in for “How To’s” and “Must Have’s” …there are a number of ways to keep your digital marketing objectives humming along without you having to join in on the chorus or pay a fortune to an in-house marketing guru.
Net 360 Solutions is here to help you make that list, implement it and to check it twice on your behalf.
Create a Website that is Hospitable
Hiring free help through your digital marketing efforts, also means you must ensure your website is hospitable. Meaning – ensure it is user friendly, mobile friendly and overall friendly. Engaging, inviting content will better ensure potential customers stay on your site, click through to your various pages, and purchase your products or utilize your services because you offer a hospitable voice within your digital world, lending a personality to each page representing your company.
Say ‘Thank You’
Last but certainly not least – say ‘thank you’ to your online audience, either through an actual email thanking them for their online visit, and/or by offering them a percentage off or other types of incentives for visiting your site. Manners go a long way, which is something that is also free – and we all appreciate both!
Curious to know more? We’re FREE to chat about your online goals …and look forward to doing so.