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Facebook – The Social Media Frontrunner

Facebook Campaigns


As a business owner, if you are waffling about which social media platform to utilize, we want to take this blog opportunity to emphasize the importance of Facebook for extended marketing and branding purposes of your business.

Facebook Research …why it works

The latest research on Facebook speaks (or reads) for itself, and we wanted to share how Facebook can improve your online marketing objectives in measureable ways…

Facebook delivers 4x the traffic compared to other social media sites. In fact, as of October 2014, website analytics prove that social referrals come from Facebook 4x more frequently, with the nearest coconspirator being Pinterest.

Facebook helps to bring prospective customers to your website and boosts lead generation, all while enabling business owners to harness this affordable outlet as a means to do so.

Facebook has the ability to provide companies with pertinent information and informative analytics.

Facebook is the #1 used mobile site. Mobile usage has quickly replaced desktop usage as a means to gain information, as mobile devices are an easily accessible way in which to interact with friends and consume content in an “arms reach” manner.

As of May 2014, studies show that Smartphone’s and Tablets combined now account for 60% of all time spent online. That’s a worthwhile number to consider when deciding on doubling up your online efforts with a mobile-ready site.

Email Marketing + Facebook Ads = Increased Buyers

Another study was done surrounding email efforts combined with a Facebook ad, which showed that email subscribers were 22% more likely to make a purchase from your site when these efforts were combined. Thus proving that, by creating a Facebook ad that reiterated your email promotion, it provides a significant boost to your offer.

At Net360, our digital marketing objectives take into consideration the constant change of the online world. As such, we are constantly creating and recreating the right marketing tools for business owners, and ensuring we utilize the right mixture for the highest rate of return. Call us today and let us know how we can help you grow your business for 2015!