Before Canada implemented the new Anti-Spam Law, a lot of companies were pretty much panhandling for email addresses, compiling an email database chalk full of pillaged potentials for their products or services.
However, now individuals must actually opt in to receive any businesses newsletter into their inbox, giving full consent for this digital sales piece. Although this might feel like a setback to those who once had hoards of email addresses, it has actually better harnessed the email marketing agenda correctly.
Keeping those who truly want your information on the receiving end of your e-newsletter will better ensure that you are targeting the right audience, and coming away with the most buyers.
Simply pillaging for email addresses in hopes of gaining an audience is just an annoying old-school sales tactic, so this new approach definitely assists both the seller and buyer unilaterally.
Email Marketing – Used to Help Generate Sales
Email marketing is a powerful tool that offers a results driven outcome. In fact, email marketing and e-newsletter marketing are considered the second most effective tool for generating conversions, just behind SEO.
Implementing email marketing into your digital agenda can help you generate business from new or existing clients, as well as raise company awareness and build great client relations.
At Net360 Solutions, our email marketing services include…
- Custom website form(s)
- E-marketing review and strategy
- Monthly management
- Tracking statistics and reports
We are proud to have helped many businesses throughout Greater Vancouver to substantially grow their business online. Our service-centric company provides web solutions that include SEO, social media marketing, and web design throughout Surrey, Langley, Abbotsford – and other outlying areas.
We would love to help you with your email marketing initiatives, and put together a monthly e-newsletter for you to increase your digital marketing results for 2015. It is both affordable as well as effective …so give us a call and we will get you started!