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DIY Website – What You Need to Know Before Investing Your Time & Money

There are many DIY websites in the marketplace that offer you a “quick fix” to your business needs. However, these programs are not always as quick and efficient as you might be lead to believe, and Net 360 Solutions is here to help you better understand ‘What You Need to Know About a DIY Website Before Investing Your Time & Money’!

DIY Websites – Truly a Do It Yourself Experience

When it comes to a DIY website, you are truly on your own without a local point-person to contact and help you with concerns, which range from setup to SEO and beyond. So ‘buyer beware’ that DIY definitely means “do it YOURSELF”.

DIY Websites – Don’t Work Well for SEO 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a big deal when it comes to ensuring your website can be more readily found by customers, and DIY websites are known to not offer a lot of SEO expertise – for good reason. It actually takes an SEO expert to implement SEO strategies within your website, which requires ongoing  updates, as well as tweaks and changes as Google sees fit any day of the week.

As a busy business owner it is unlikely you have the time to train yourself in best SEO practices, let alone continually update your website to ensure it is optimized in the most current way. Which is another reason it is often more advantageous to hire a local digital marketing company to set up your website from the very beginning, ensuring it is optimized properly from the onset.

DIY Websites – Be Prepared for the ‘Online Marriage’

DIY websites can be considered much like a relationship. 

First – the fun set-up stage when everything looks like positive potential. Then the honeymoon phase when you are in love with your website’s appearance – only to then fall into a really stale marriage all too quickly when technical difficulties occur, website traffic isn’t translating into customers, and/or customers can never find your page via a Google search …and you begin feeling invisible.

DIY websites are very limited and considered a “closed system”, so unless you simply need a landing page – anything more will likely find you frustrated by the amount of time, upkeep and know-how is truly required for website building, maintenance and exposure.

Before committing to an online website builder, give Net 360 Solutions a call, allowing us to help you better understand how affordable it can be to hire local, and offer you a professional website where all the maintenance and updates are left to us to handle, with added bonus features such as social media and email marketing to enhance your market reach.

We’re ready to help and happy to offer our Digital Marketing Services right here in Langley!