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Changing Online Window Shoppers Into In-Store Buyers

Having a website where people can come and look at your products or services is an imperative part for the modern consumers buying process. However, moving them from being an online window shopper into an in-store buyer is obviously essential to the return on your investment within digital marketing efforts – and we’re here to tell you how you can better ensure this happens!

Remember – Window Shoppers Are Interested

Don’t discount a window shopper. In fact – count them in! If potential customers are coming to your site to see what your products and services are all about, they are already halfway to their buying decision. From this point, it is important that your site is equipped to give them a reason to BECOME a buyer.

So …What ARE Ways to Convert an Online Audience?

  • Have an offer pop-up window appear that provides them with incentive to buy, whether that is in the form of a discount, a limited time offer, or any version therein
  • Ask for their email address where you can provide them with further information that is relevant to their needs
  • Direct them to additional outlets that tell them about your business, including your blog and social media sites; these small actions can make a big difference in the long run

Don’t Lose Crowd Interest

It is also important that people don’t come to your website only to immediately click off of it due to these common factors:

  • Your site isn’t mobile friendly, so it makes it difficult to view your content from their mobile device
  • Your site has far too many pop-ups or music or other flash-drive heavy content that creates an annoying environment that buyers don’t want to be bothered by
  • Your site lacks a user-friendly experience and is a difficult to navigate
  • Your site is esthetically lack-luster and doesn’t appeal to potential buyers

At Net 360 Solutions, we are here to help move your window shoppers into buyers, ensuring all of your digital marketing bases are covered and no road blocks are preventing them from making you their store of choice. In addition, we seek to provide you and your customers with added incentive for choosing your business over the competition through our digital marketing mix, making it appealing and affordable for you to turn your online storefront into a prosperous real-time business that the local community will turn to for their buying needs.

Curious to know more? Contact us at: (604) 510-0011 … we look forward to serving your digital marketing needs!