We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

Doing Business in the Digital Marketing World

digital web services

At Net360 Solutions, we want to consistently ensure that the sites were construct are in step with Google Ranking Trends.

Within the past few year, Google has made close to 100 updates to their algorithm processes. What does that mean to you – the business owner? That currently, in order for your website to potentially rise to the top of a Google search, you must offer a social media presence.

Google’s Changing Requirements

You can no longer rely on previous SEO techniques and expect to maintain a presence on Google. First of all, the competition grows daily within your online market, and secondly – as mentioned – what Google is looking for is no longer just key words and phrases, but a curious audience coming to your site from various outlets, and staying on your site for more than mere seconds.

We continually research the main drivers behind Google’s never-ending stream of updated demands, and aim to serve our clients with the most current search requirements for Google.

Setting the Social Scene

Today’s Internet savvy surfers are locating your products and services in many different ways. Whether via their social media circle, or via their mobile device …all factors have to be accounted for when building and maintaining your website. Make sense of the online social scene, the trends therein, and what makes your audience in particular tick, is important information we can gather from your website data. From there, we can build upon your social scene accordingly.

Lead With Quality Content

Google is a stickler for quality content. Not just a stream of words that do not provide value for your clients, but actionable value that is generated through your ‘call to action’ prompts. Whether you are encouraging people to click on a “buy now” prompt, fill in a signup sheet, or offer a link to additional information …Google wants to see that your bounce rates are minimal, and that your audience is engaged based on how long they remain on your site, and what path they take when clicking from page to page. Quality content is your key to gaining customers.

Engage With Social Content

There is a factual necessity of quality content – yes, but there is also a functional necessity for social content.

Google has now built social signals into their search algorithms, with Facebook leading the march as a social media giant. Facebook has constructed an interconnected graph of 1 billion human interrelationships, likes and preferences, making online marketing one of the most valuable tools bar-none.

The fact remains that, developing relevant and valuable content for your audience is the key to your success. Content that serves a purpose, offers a solution to a problem, and prompts your online audience to share your information with their referral groups.

Net360 approaches every project with success in mind, and we construct your site with tools handcrafted for this very success. Let us know how we can turn your static site, into a modern social mogul!