We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day …building an audience takes time too



Modern society likes to see instant results. Whether it’s someone buying into a get rich quick scheme, or those stepping into their local plastic surgeons for a quick dip into the fountain of youth – we’re a microwave society. We want our results immediately.

However, when it comes to building an online database, or a Facebook audience, or a YouTube following …unless you’re a celebrity, these things take time to build.

In addition to that, you likely want to build quality followers who are not just bandwagon’ers but who are also potential buyers.

Traffic is always a good thing for ratings, but quality traffic is a great thing for lining up the type of customer base that will have them clicking on your ‘calls to action’.

The great “instant results” aspect of online marketing is that you can acquire real-time data of where your audience is coming from. Whether it’s via your website, or any of your social media platforms …they all have ways in which to uncover where they were generated from, allowing you to fine-tune the information from there.

So although you might have heard rumours of social media sites bringing in thousands of customers, and your brand going viral around the globe the moment your Facebook page goes up, again – unless you’re a celebrity, your “fan base” is likely going to build in a slow and steady fashion.

Unlike the costly creation of Rome, these cost-effective and imperative additions to your website are well worth discussing and understanding. Your online empire awaits …let us know how we can help!