We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

Blog it and they will come…

What is blogging and why should a business participate in a blog? Blogging is essentially a well-crafted, well-written, online diary of thoughts and ideas. Short articles intended to generate a following of interested and qualified readers. Businesses cannot only gain creative exposure through this medium, but they can also increase their search engine optimization by implementing a blog into their online agenda. Google not only wants to know, but needs to know that – people who are visiting your website are interested in your content. It’s a bit of a fine-tuned popularity contest, and sometimes excluding a blog from your site might have you losing ground in this said “popularity contest”.

As it pertains to blog styles – some blog for personal sport, others for creative craft, some for marketing their business, and others for the pleasure of having the masses read their thoughts. Whatever the intent of ones blog, or the desired outcome, having the skill to write for your specific demographic and pull a reader in, requires a certain knowledge of important keywords to further optimize your site, and an understanding of how the online marketing process works.

Keep in mind that not all thoughts are created equal, so what might resonate for one reader of a specific blog, may turn another away. The recipe varies from blog to blog and business to business. If you’re blogging for business purposes, obviously your blog serves, well – a purpose. One that requires not only quality content to draw readers in, but also valuable information that will deliver the ageless “what’s in it for me” quandary. It needs to inform but also entice. It needs to draw in the audience it is intended for, and keep them there long enough to generate a call-to-action. Most importantly, it should link to all your social media outlets, as well as your website, in order to fulfill this call to action.

Net360 has the creative staff to deliver written content on a weekly, or monthly basis; articulating for you the written content required to gain Google’s trust, increase your web traffic, and generate a new generation of business.

As a savvy business owner we know you’re aware that, a well structured and optimized website is step one in succeeding in today’s marketplace. Build on that by creating a blog and bring further qualified clients to your site. By doing so you will increase your visibility with Google. “Blog it and they will come” isn’t just a fancy title purposed for this blog – rather it’s the fact of the matter for increasing your online success!