Utilizing Twitter is good business for, well – your business. But it requires time and attention to detail in order to maximize fully on the benefits it offers. So we want to help you with the basics of how to go about using it in the most efficient manner possible…
Pick a Purpose
As with any marketing agenda, you need to know the “why” behind your objectives. In this case – what is your purpose for utilizing Twitter?
Reasons can include:
- Building your company brand
- Generating leads
- Sharing ideas in hopes of garnering engagement
- Offering read-worthy news
Having a strong sense of purpose before you begin will help to streamline the tone of your tweets, help you decide who to follow (we will get into why it’s important to follow people later in this post), and uncover your direction overall.
Have a Passion
As with all forms of Digital Marketing, creating personality is key in striking the attention of your intended audience.
Twitter is comprised of millions composing millions of tweets, and each tweet contains thousands of pieces of information every second, so it is incredibly easy to get lost in the clutter.
However, if you stay focused on your passion and don’t fragment your focus, it will help you attract users who are interested in your particular topics and business type …and as a business, you want end-users – not just the ‘Looky Lou’s’.
Define Your Brand
Much like your purpose defined above, your brand is going to carry a particular tone with it. As a company you have to decide how you want to come across. Whether that be newsy, funny, casual and interactive (interactive takes actual man hours though, keep in mind), or simply utilizing Twitter as a means to update your masses, know your brand intentions and stay consistent.
Determine Your Strategy
As a company you can approach your social media strategy a couple of different ways. You can talk (communicate), or you can listen (follow other Twitter users in hopes of an equal interaction).
Talking on Twitter is aimed at influencing those reading your tweets, informing people about sales and promotions, and attracting attention through your purpose and branding initiatives. Engagement is key, so keeping up on what is working through Twitters analytics is important to maximize on this strategy.
Listening can also be beneficial if you want free feedback from your audience about customer service. Tweets like “We Want to Know”, will have people adding their two-cents in feedback, and helping you gain quick insight into any given topic.
If used correctly, Twitter can benefit your business and cost very little to do so. Ask us how we can help!