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3 Ways to Advertise on Facebook: Social Media Marketing Services in Langley

Social Media Marketing Services in Langley

Facebook is a useful part of any digital marketing mix – which our social media marketing services in Langley can help you manage.

Facebook offers a platform where customers can find your product or service, and allows you to stay current within the marketplace. Whether keeping your buying audience up to date on sale and promotions, a new product launches, or just giving them a window into the personality of your company – Net 360 Solutions can offer you our local marketing team to help!

3 Ways to Advertise on Facebook

Although there are a variety of methods to advertise on Facebook, these tend to be the main 3.

  1. Automated Ads – which allows you to choose your goal, decide on your contact method, target your key audience and get more traffic to your website overall.
  2. Create a ‘Backend’ Ad – providing you with the opportunity to create a call to action button including:
    • Call Now
    • Book Now
    • Contact Us
    • Get Directions
    • Learn More

…and other contact opportunities based on how you would like your customers to get in touch!

3. Boost a Post – this option lets you to choose any post you have created, and boost it according to your budget, as well as tailor the post to your target audience and timeframe.

Keep in mind that casting a wide net isn’t always a bad idea. Facebook is intended to ‘share’ content, so there is no real loss to broadening your demographics and psychographics accordingly.

Social Media Marketing Services in Langley

As mentioned on our Social Media Marketing page

With billions of people spending countless hours on their social media platforms, it’s a boundless source of potential customers. Our social media management services offer weekly postings designed to engage your customers, build your target audience, and drive traffic to your website and social media channels.

How can social media benefit your business?

  • Build your company’s brand name to your target market
  • Increased inbound traffic to your website & social channels
  • Increased customer engagement increases brand authority
  • Promote your products, services, contests, projects, news & more
  • Keep your business ‘top of mind’ rather than your competitors

Ready to get started with our social media marketing services in Langley or the surrounding communities? CLICK HERE FOR A QUOTE!

Or, if you are curious about influencer marketing – check out our blog post Uncover the Influence of Influencers for Your Business.

We look forward to helping you increase your exposure in whichever capacity of digital marketing you choose.