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When Is the Best Time to Use Email Marketing?

langley copywriting

Email Marketing can be used to effectively keep in touch with prospects, helping to generate sales, and offer an excellent way to maintain that ‘top of mind’ position with your customers. This is why the answer to ‘When Is the Best Time to Use Email Marketing?’ is – ALWAYS!

Email marketing is a powerful tool that can provide businesses with traceable results, which includes seeing who opened their email, and which ones clicked on the links within that email. In fact, email and e-newsletter marketing are considered to be the second most effective tool for generating conversions, just behind SEO.

Generating Business Through Email Marketing
Email marketing can help you to quickly generate business from new or existing clients, as well as maintain or raise company awareness while building great client relations.

Our Email Marketing Services Include:
Custom website signup form(s)
E-marketing review & strategy
Monthly management including design
Tracking statistics & reports

In addition, we ensure personalized emails are sent to customers in an ongoing manner, offering sales, promotions, and/or other incentives to help individuals with their buying decisions, using our email marketing system as a reason to buy from you or utilize your service.

The Benefits of Email Marketing
The benefits of email marketing include areas such as: engaging with and enticing your audience to buy, increasing your brand awareness, and building customer relations in a manner that relates to their buying needs and how your product or service can help them in one way or another.

Whether you gather email addresses through your website, collect data through your Facebook page, or gather them in-store or in-person, there are many ways to begin making email marketing work for you, and have people contacting your business ready to buy based on the latest promotion or benefit described in your email campaign.

Allow our team at Net 360 Solutions to put together a beneficial and traceable email campaign for your business, providing your clients with additional reasons to buy from you, and converting them into customers!