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How Not To Lose Your Online Audience Over the Summer Months

Online Audience

For a variety of service-oriented businesses in the Lower Mainland, summer can lend itself to a booming season for sales, while for others can experience a complete lull and downward turn in business.

Regardless of which category you fall into, it is important to know ‘How Not To Lose Your Online Audience Over the Summer’ in order to maintain your brand, and not lose any momentum during an often distracted season.

Always Remember – Retention is Key
Studies show that 80% of business comes from 20% of your clients, so retaining your regular clients is key.

A common way in which companies do this is by offering loyalty programs. If you have yet to implement a loyalty program within your business, creating a sign-up offer online will not only create added incentive for customers – but also allow you to collect valuable information such as email addresses for ongoing e-offers. A double hit with endless potential!

Don’t Forget Your Online Presence
A lot of people go away for the summer, which is often why business slows for many companies. However, that doesn’t mean your online presence should go on vacation – quite the opposite in fact!

Now is the time to increase your exposure and inform people as to why they should contact your business over the summer months, and you can do this by creating value-driven sales, must-have promotions, and “flash sale” incentives.

Don’t fall victim to the summer lull due to a lack of exposure; aim to boost all your online systems in order to increase your online presence during this time.

How To Increase Your Online Exposure
Whether creating a Facebook ad that will target a specific audience, or designing a flash sale promotion delivered through your e-marketing initiatives, or leading people from your blog to a helpful video offering them tips that are relevant to the season – these are all effective ways to maintain, retain, and enhance your online exposure in an affordable fashion.

At Net 360 Solutions, we provide full service digital marketing tools, ones which will equip your business to affordably get you seen online, keep you current, and ensure you are an effective contender within your industry.

Allow us to help you keep your online audience engaged over the summer months – and for many more seasons to come!