We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

Marketing Like It’s 2016

Effective digital marketing plays a pivotal role in attracting and maintaining your customer-base. Whether your email database is newly comprised of 12 people, or your Facebook business account is buzzing with a smaller crowd of 45 …a small audience is still a group worth marketing to…effectively. After all, 80% of your business could be beautifully based on only 20% of the customers you retain, so let’s get started on retaining them!

Understanding and Utilizing the Long Game of Digital Marketing

There is no single magic trick to the compellation of marketing tools and outlets within Digital Marketing. As with any form of marketing, it’s about branding consistency, being current and relevant, and meeting the needs of your audience in a manner that your competition doesn’t …or at least appears as though they don’t.

Attention is Smaller Today, So Attention Grabbers Have to be HUGE…

Where once the general population was eager to open their “You’ve Got Mail” tab, this same group of individuals is now inundated with ignored emails from every company who can possibly market to them. Whether they have “opted in” for such emails or not. So businesses need to ensure they are offering immediate value to the people they are targeting.

Discounts, customer appreciation incentives, free helpful tips and advice …showing that you value the people who are willing to utilize your local business, and having an online presence that shows personality is paramount in grabbing and holding the modern savvy consumers attention of today.

Hang Up the Phone, Everyone is Online

Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation) are on their phones all day every day. But they aren’t talking …they’re texting, browsing, booking and buying off their mobile device. In addition, they are looking to their social media peers for recommendations in the way of Posts, Facebook Likes & Shares, Twitter Tweets & Re-tweets – and the like – within social media forums. And a social media recommendation has the ability to reach thousands within your local area within literal minutes. Unprecedented!

Frankly, modern consumers are no longer calling your company to find your location or further question about your services. They are clicking onto Google and uncovering everything they need to know.

At Net 360 Solutions, we’re a local Langley Digital Marketing Company equipped to affordably get you into the Digital Marketing world, keep you current, and make you an effective contender within your industry. So let us know how we can help, and not miss out on the consumers that can be found in mass online!