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Assessing Your Email Opens, Un-Opens, and Disengaged Opens

Once your email subscribers have agreed to your subscription list, you have acquired a vital database of potential customers that should be utilized from every angle – without oversaturation.

That is why it is important to segment your email subscription list on a monthly basis, as it will quickly give you a read of the effectiveness of any given monthly promotion and the response it had.

Remarketing to the people who showed interest in your approach by perhaps offering them a discount if they “act now” is a great way to push interest into action.

In addition, showing appreciation to the people who did act upon a sale or promotion by thanking them and giving them an additional reason to buy and save again, will simply put your email campaigns into the effective use they should offer.

Email Opens and Facebook

As we wrote about in our last blog post, utilizing your email subscription list within your Facebook target audience is an excellent way to maximize on your branding initiatives. We caution you not to power-market to people who have shown an interest, but rather to use the opportunity for a soft sell.

Reminders about sales and promotions with the added benefit of an additional discount, will be a friendly nudge with a side of generosity …and that goes a long way in an online community where people are bombarded with “friendly reminders” from mounds of companies hoping to sell sell sell.

Facebook and Un-Opened Emails

For those who didn’t open your monthly email, utilize Facebook as a means to uncover if social media is a better forum for this customer type.

Perhaps it is still a secret to some, but Facebook (and other such social media forums) is a place that a vast majority of individuals are on all day every day. It’s where people flock to to get their current news affairs, where they find deals and specials their friends have liked (reference group), and where they highlight stories they have found intriguing (branding opportunity via blog posts.

It’s a Mecca for marketing, so ensure you are utilizing it for maximum effectiveness within your digital marketing agenda.

Don’t Forget About the Disengaged

The subscribers who opened your email but didn’t take action in the form of clicking on a special or promotion, should not go left unaddressed. People disengage for a reason. Perhaps the promotion didn’t apply to their needs, or your sale item wasn’t of interest. So re-engage this audience with a “pick your promotion” type Facebook ad, and see what type of response this garners.

At Net360 Solutions, we’re here to provide you with exactly that – solutions. Let us know how we can do so!