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Why Businesses Shouldn’t Falter With Their Online Presence During the Fall

Marketing tends to be the first thing a business will back off on in terms of budget if they are struggling financially during the year. And often the time they are hardest hit is the first month off fall, as well as post Christmas. But backing off on marketing your business, whether within traditional marketing or digital marketing, is a bit of a catch 22.

Brand recognition and top of mind behaviour is vital in retaining your customers, as well as bringing in new ones. Even the most recognized names such as Coke, Pepsi, Nike, and the like, all maintain their branding on a constant and consistent basis. Simply put; ‘top of mind’ is the new ‘location location location’.

However, unlike traditional marketing, the benefits you have as a business owner with online marketing (or digital marketing), is the cost effectiveness of it, and the ability to receive feedback on what is working in your favour and what might need to be switched up.

Analytics provide a literal to-the-minute analysis of where your traffic is being generated from, how long each potential customer is staying on your site, which pages they are most interested in, and what content they are clicking over to. Targeting the right clients, or your most keen online lookers, then becomes a more fine-tuned process, and the possibilities mount.

Digital Marketing Mainframe for Fall

As someone conducting business in this current year of 2015, it is quite likely you have a website. In fact, it is imperative that you do. This is the first place the vast majority of your clients are going to be looking for you.

In addition, ensuring your website is mobile ready is also important. More than ever before people are using their handheld devices to surf the web, so ensure that capability is a part of your website package.

Social media is yet another imperative part of the package. Having at least a presence within one social media site also lends credibility to you as a modern business owner. It’s affordable and effective – so don’t miss out.

Creating an email list can also be beneficial to promote sales and events. It’s simple, and also an affordable part of the digital marketing mix.

Lastly, a blog gives your site depth, giving your business personality and possibly even more importantly; it helps increase your popularity with Google and its all powerful search engine.

If you are having a hard time justifying your marketing budget, allow us to help you better understand how you can get seen and heard within the digital marketing arena. It’s affordable and effective, and we can help!