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Employing Long-Game Digital Marketing Strategies for Long-Term Payoff

Our modern society is fueled by “fast food mentality”, meaning that we often look for the fastest solutions and results possible for any given “hunger”.

However, in business it is important to ensure your company is investing time and money for long enough so that the investment actually has time to take off. Especially in the digital marketing world where the “sticky factor” takes time to actually stick, and where people are exposed to your online brand for long enough that they begin to form a positive feeling and rapport is built.
Understanding the Importance of Maintaining Your Brand Recognition

There was a story years ago about how Kellogg’s maintained their advertising campaigns even during the Great Depression, during the same time when Post decided there was no point in staying top of mind to a hungry crowd who could not afford their brand.

Once the depression subsided and life returned to normal, Post began to advertise again, but within the time they did not maintain their presence in the publics mind was all the time it took to be forgotten.

In fact, Kellogg’s continues to trump Post to this day, and some marketing experts have argued it is due to the branding maintenance Kellogg’s employed all those years ago.

No matter if the brand is as giant as Coke, Pepsi, McDonalds or the Canucks (pause for laughter?), each of these companies still HEAVILY market their name and keep their jingles ringing in your hear, their logo etched along with it, and their name itself at the tip of your tongue.
Spring Your Digital Marketing Forward

The online world is a quick moving entity, so staying on top of the latest strategies is important. Things like ensuring your website is mobile ready is vital as people are using their handheld devices to surf the web more than desktops by a landslide

Social media is yet another imperative part of the package, and when used correctly it can be both affordable and incredibly effective.

Having an eNewsletter to promote sales and events helps to round our your digital marketing efforts, with a blog completing the circle by giving your website depth, personality and help increase your popularity with Google.

Regardless of if you are a family business that has been in operation for years and is known by reputation, or are a startup company with hopeful intent, your digital marketing agenda requires thought to implement and time to grow.

At Net 360 Solutions, we can help with your online branding initiative in an affordable, effective and current manner. So don’t become quickly forgotten due to taking time off from your advertising …allow us to help you simply do it better!