We love writing professional content for our clients as much as we love it for us too!

The Advantages of Video Marketing

video media marketing

Video marketing is one of the most beneficial digital marketing tools a business can harness for a variety of reasons. Not only can it aid in your SEO efforts, but it can also impart important messages to your potential clients in a fresh and user-friendly manner.

Often times people viewing your website don’t want to read reams of text, and are more inclined to click on a video to watch your product or service in action. So having one available is paramount.

The Surprisingly Simple Nature of Video Marketing

Many small businesses – in particular – avoid utilizing videos as they seem like a highly advanced form or digital marketing they have no experience with. However, it does not need to be a cumbersome nor intensely creative process.

By utilizing images of your store’s interior and exterior, your product displays or “before and afters”, and perhaps even photos of your staff, you can pull together a video that offers a voiceover explaining your company, or even set it to music with minimal text or none whatsoever.

A 30 second to 1 minute video is all you need on your site to truly create an impact. From there, once you recognize the easy nature of the process, having a YouTube channel with videos being uploaded from time to time, will gain you traction with Google as they see you subscribers grow, and your views along with them.

At Net360 Solutions, we compile video content that has viral capabilities. Growing, not only your YouTube audience, but engaging your Facebook followers as well.

Video Content & Facebook

Facebook continues to reinvent its format and way of doing business in a social forum. One of the viewing methods that have changed on Facebook, is that now when you scroll through your newsfeed on your mobile device, a video will automatically play. This generates interest quickly, especially for those who may not have opted to click on a video previously, but will now take a second to see it play out for them.

Our Video Marketing services include:

  • Pre-production consultation
  • On-site filming
  • Post editing
  • File uploading

Many business owners are quickly discovering that by adding video to their website, their client response is growing, and is influencing their buying decision positively.

So allow us to help you create a professional on-site video. Our video creations start at just $495, and can help you gain viewers and increase your client-base!