Did you know that Google’s request for the keyword “SEO” returns over 35 million search engine results? Yes …MILLION. That is why it is imperative to have a diversified array of keywords associated with your product or service.
There is a myriad of SEO companies out there all vying for the same work, and many will confuse you with their techie lingo, and myth-based information.
The fact remains, that the industry leaders in SEO content understand that this is an ever-changing entity. Google is constantly changing their parameters on what type of content they like to see, and it’s not only about a heavily laced keyword content.
As much as being #1 on Google is the aim for most company’s, with competition growing daily, company’s now need to also take into account other avenues of gaining exposure.
Compete.com recently conducted a study and found that 53% of searchers click on the top result on the first page returned by a search engine. The second result sees 15% of clicks, the third result sees 9%, the fourth result sees 6%, winding all the way down to 4% to round out the top 5 results on page one of search results
This might strike fear into the hearts of those not seeing their company appearing on that top tier of Google
But, consider this …
Businesses that include images, local maps, videos, social media linkage, and rich content …click rates prove to be higher than results without the aforementioned —and, in many cases, are equal to or better than being ranked first on a Google page.
Google alone makes 350-400 updates to its search engine algorithm, each year. So if you think you’re not up to speed …don’t worry, most cannot keep up to the changes. It’s about progress, not perfection when it comes to SEO.
…in addition to having the backing of an SEO company that doesn’t simply do what’s always worked, but rather works to ensure they know what is coming around the bend.